Florals with Gouche..

Hey everyone..This floral design is so simple and artistic.. I have used 2 to 3 shades only for making this floral design.. You can also use acrylic colours if you don’t have gouche colours.. I love using gouche colours for making floral designs.. Because the pigmentation of gouche colours are completely different from acrylic coloursContinue reading “Florals with Gouche..”

Acrylic Painting On Canvas!

Hey everyone! Hope you all are doing good. I know it’s been so long time that I have not posted any painting..on WordPress.. Sorry for that.. And I will try my best to post new paintings regularly.. About This Painting.. This painting is not a regular one because in this painting I have to focusContinue reading “Acrylic Painting On Canvas!”

City Scape With Acrylic Colours!

Hello everyone! So it’s been so long time that I have not made any city scape..I love making city scapes using acrylic colours..So let’s start with our first step… Steps: Step 1: Make a rough sketch of buildings, houses,clouds, plants and whatever you want to make.. Step 2: Then give some details to your paintingContinue reading “City Scape With Acrylic Colours!”

Easy Florals With Gouache Colours!

Hello everyone hope you all are doing good.. Today I am going to share an easy painting using Gouache Colours.. Trust me these florals are very easy to make it, and it looks so pretty and fresh..if you’re interested then give it a try..I must say that if you try this floral painting it willContinue reading “Easy Florals With Gouache Colours!”


Hello everyone! Its been soo long time I haven’t made any painting by using my acrylic colours..so I decided to make a simple yet attractive painting using my acrylic colours.. Let’s start with our first step~ Step1 ~ Draw A rough sketch of a Flamingo using pencil. Step2 ~ Start filling colours of your choice.Continue reading “FLAMINGO ACRYLIC PAINTING..”

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